Saturday, July 18, 2009

Don't Take My Word For It...

I know some who are reading this blog are saying, "What authority does she have to write such a book?" First, my authority lies in the fact that every author writes what they know. That is one of the first and most basic rules that you learn when starting out as an author. You don't want to write about a topic or idea that you are totally unfamiliar with -- it would make the writing that much harder because you would be writing something you had to do almost 100% research on in order to write the inner knowledge of the subject matter. This would make for choppy, incoherent writing that doesn't flow well nor hold the reader's interest. That's not what good authors do.

Your next question may be, "Then, what is her experience in this topic -- what does she know?" Well, this book deals with my journey up the corporate financial ladder. Not in a personal, autobiographical way. Rather it takes my experiences climbing the corporate ladder and will show you how I made it to a six figure salary being non-degreed, African American and female. The book isn't about's about how I accomplished what I did and how, by following the principles in the book, you can too.

There will be skeptics. There will be those of you who feel that I am not an "expert" in the subject matter so what the book says will be baseless. Those are the folks who will find themselves realizing, after many others who take these pages and use them to empower themselves to reach their goals -- the book's exact purpose, that I may be on to something after all. You will have a friend or relative or co-worker who will read the work, implement many or all of the principles and who will find themselves gaining recognition at work and climbing the corporate ladder. Six Figures, No College Degree is not a "how-to" book or a book on getting rich quickly. It is a book of empowerment and inspiration. The words should be used as a tool to uplift, of affirmation and inspiration in striving for and reaching your goals. It is a tool that will keep you on track and focused toward your goals of a brighter financial future for you and your family.

Authors generally tend to be avid readers as well. We read for enjoyment. We read for instruction. We read to mindlessly study our craft and subconciously pick up on what works and what doesn't work in the world of the written word. There is a very famous, well respected, multi-millionaire who wrote a book entitled Do YOU! 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success. In his book, the title page to the first chapter begins with these words: "Degrees are helpful, but they won't guarantee you success in the business world. Only faith and dedication to your vision can do that." These words come from Mr. Russell Simmons, hip hop's mogul. They have come from someone who has far surpassed the scope of this book -- he made millions of dollars without having a college degree. I am simply trying to show you how to make a nice six figure salary without one. What you do from there is limitless. Six Figures, No College Degree will get your mind conditioned to the thought process and tasks necessary to achieve whatever financial goal you have set for yourself -- six figures or many millions...