Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does a College Degree Equal Success?

While doing research for Six Figures, I came across a RateItAll survey with a list of 35 successful business people who do not have a college degree (accessed July 19, 2009, 6:15 p.m. ET, The likes of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the creators of Microsoft, are contained on the list. Other well-known names include George Washington, Harry S. Truman, Abraham Lincoln, Peter Jennings, Thomas Edison and John D. Rockefeller. Three names on the short list I've copied here are former United States Presidents! If you can become the President of the United States of America without a college degree, why wouldn't you be able to climb the corporate ladder without one?

We all know the story of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs -- they dropped out of college and started Microsoft in their garage. Now, Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world and he doesn't have a college degree. Honorary degrees may have been conferred upon him; however, he has not attended the required four years to earn a degree. One of the reviewers, abichara, left this comment in regard to Mr. Gates: "The ultimate role model for all wanna-be techies out there who believe that school is a waste of time! But really, Gates is brillant, no matter what you think about his products or his tactics, you got to admit that. And like Magellan said, he works in an industry where your on the job skills matter more, not whether you did post-graduate work or not." {emphasis mine} One of the keys to securing your position in corporate America and being able to climb the nefarious corporate ladder is to enter into an industry where skill is more important than book knowledge.

There are many many corporate positions which garner six-figure salaries and where skill is key to obtaining the job and moving up in the field. The information technology field is what comes to most minds first. Yes, book knowledge in information technology can be important; however, with the rapidly changing technologies and advances in computing, hands-on experience will win over education every time. In addition to hands-on knowledge, oftentimes certification classes and attaining the certification in the field of interest are what gets the non-degreed individual the job. Although this individual did study in her field, she did not wollow away four years studying. In addition, there are a multitude of administrative positions -- secretary, administrative assistant, executive assistant and the like -- which will garner high paying salaries with or without a degree.

Just as the college student must put in hardwork to complete the lessons, pass the exams and eventually hold in hand the much coveted degree she is seeking, the non-degreed employee must do likewise. Getting your foot in the door without a degree is a huge accomplishment and cause for much celebration. Keeping the position and moving up the ladder requires time, commitment and hardwork. Whether or not you have a degree, an employer is going to look at your work history with his company when it comes time for raise, bonus and promotion consideration. It is possible to make it to six-figures and beyond in corporate America without a degree; it will, however, take a great deal of dedication and determination to get there.